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Cairo, Egypt

It is kind of a crazy story how I actually wound up in Egypt.

I originally planned a 5 day trip to Dublin, Ireland with my friend but then my friend had a family emergency and couldn't come. So I went to Ireland alone and explored. I didn't want to leave Europe, and London was just a cheap quick flight away, so I extended my trip to go to London. As I was in London, a friend that I met on a study-abroad trip contacted me. We both were missing each other like crazy so she invited me impromptu to visit her in Cairo. I accepted.

I couldn't believe I was just getting on a plane to head to Cairo Egypt alone and was about to have this awesome experience from someone who grew up there. My friend Malak!

I had so much fun spending time with Malak, her husband, and her amazing dog Rufus. I literally went inside the Great Pyramids of Egypt and all I could think about was this cute dog and our tug-of-war sessions.

One of my first moments was getting a dinner literally on the Nile River. Something I had studied about in school, but there I was dipping my pita in my hummus looking at a sunset over the Nile. Wow, how did I get here? Every time I travel to a place that blows my mind, I feel very present, peaceful, and happy.

So we climbed on the pyramids to get inside, walked up tiny chambers and hallways and examined all of the things that the Pharaohs wanted to take with them into their after-life. There was a pretty new exhibit of a boat which was recently found and put together. That is so crazy to think these pre-historic people packed ships to be assembled into their pyramids for the after-life.

I rode a camel around the Pyramids and while I was on the ride, filmed parts for my American Ninja Warrior Season 9 Submission Video. This was a last minute idea. I figured, who else is going to film their video outside the Great Pyramids. I want to be that girl! haha, and that was the first thing they asked about when they called me to invite me to compete: What were you doing at the pyramids?

That could have been one of the things that made me interesting enough for them to call me and invite me to compete on their show. But there was a moment in London where I thought I was cray to just jump on a plane to Egypt and of course my family was concerned. It is those moments in life that make all the difference. Trusting yourself and your God enough to go on an adventure not knowing what is going to happen. I spent a lot of quality time with my friend while exploring new land, what more could I ask for?

Aside from the pyramids, Cairo is an interesting place. It is mostly very dusty looking, like everything needs a solid power-washing. Also, there is a lot of poverty all over. Then there is this tiny little 'American' area when Americans and wealthy Egyptians go to eat at cafes and smoke shish-a. There is only one Starbucks in all of Cairo! And there are homeless children begging outside for pennies while you sip your 'venti' iced chai tea latte with soy milk. This was a painful vision for me. I was sipping on my 'venti' when I saw a filthy young girl tapping on the window outside of Starbucks. How could I take one more sip? This is the type of stuff that actually makes me sick to my stomach that i have to instantly take action or else. Similar to the feelings that I had being in India for 20 days. My trip to India actually prepared me for Cairo, because Cairo had a little more of a structure than some of the parts of India that I travelled to.

On the plane ride home for Cairo, I was even more fired up to start making an international difference in the world. I can't sit back and look at these disparities and not do something about it when I believe that I have the ability to solve major world issues. The only way I can believe in myself enough to think that I am possible to create a major impact in the world is if I know who my God is. Knowing my God, I realize it wouldn't be crazy at all for me to do something so massive. Cairo brought me closer to executing my 'save-the-world' plan!





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""Be Strong and Courageous"

Joshua 1:9

© 2021 by Christina Gambino.

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