My story

I first arrived on earth 1988 in New York. I grew up with two sisters, a brother, a mother, and a father. Life was wonderful. I had a pool, friends, a huge Italian family, and I trained in gymnastics for 30 hours a week (which happened to be my favorite thing in the world to do). A lot of my first life experiences included being bullied by my siblings, yelled at by my coaches, overcoming fears in gymnastics, pushing my body to the max, juggling multiple sports in my schedule, and enjoying pure happy moments with my family. These experiences shaped who I am today. I am now resistant to bullying, disciplined in my life, courageous when facing obstacles, physically strong, balancing a life with a full schedule, and still enjoying the pure happy moments that I get with my family and friends.
When I was 12 years old, my father passed away. That was that moment in life when I realized it isn't all rainbows and sunshine. My father was and still is, the coolest man I've ever gotten the opportunity to meet. He was smart, driven, ambitious, fierce, confident, and so much more. He showed me that you can create whatever you want. He ran multiple businesses because he was passionate about life. His passion made him able to see opportunity and then he jumped on it. He was a Sensei which means that he was teaching children to become strong and able to defend themselves. I heard a story of how my father started his Jiu Jitsu training: He was beat up in college and had his wallet stolen. He felt defenseless and that experience led him to become a 4th degree black belt teaching students how to defend themselves so they don't ever need to live the experience that he had. My father had no doubts in his abilities to do anything, he even became a pilot for fun! My father's life is very similar to my own, but I am learning my own lessons on living this crazy ambitious life. Through all of the goals that he set and accomplished, the one thing that taught me the most about his life...was his death. He died flying his plane. Let me rephrase that, he died doing what he loved to do. Knowing that alone has inspired me to only do what I love and to do it whole-heartedly.
I quit gymnastics soon after I lost my dad. I had a vision of him standing in the room while I was in the middle of a release move on bars and it freaked me out. I remember crying in the bathroom until someone realized I wasn't in the gym training. I threw out my grips and leotards and said I would never do gymnastics again. I didn't want to see visions of my father because I was in the process of deleting my memories of him so it wouldn't hurt so bad. Something common with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
All throughout high school I competed in cheerleading, dance, soccer, softball, and track. By the time I headed off to college, I am missing gymnastics too much that I decided to do an adult class at 18 years old. One cartwheel in and I was hooked. I felt alive again. I decided I was going to try to do college gymnastics even though I was already in college. Coaches told me I was too late and I will never make a Division I team at this rate. I didn't listen to anyone who had a ton of experience in this sport. I just trained and competed until I reached level 10. I was a sophomore in college and I contacted Rutgers University with a video and letter of intent. I walked on junior year as a member of a Division I college gymnastics team! That experience taught me to never listen to anyone who says that my goals are not possible. Who are they to tell me what I am and am not capable of? Anyway... I joined the team and before I could compete had a terrible injury. Yay, I damaged cartilage in my knee, slight tears in my calves and achilles, bone bruising in my ankle, and worst-case scenario ankle both legs. Yes, I landed a bar dismount still in the tuck position with my toes pointed as they hit the ground. Not only did this injury take my college gymnastics career away from me, but it also caused me chronic pain for 5 years following until I took serious medical treatment to remove excess scar tissue build up in my calves that was disabling me from standing throughout an entire day.
I lost my passion and gained an injury that would prevent me from doing what I love: moving!
Before graduating college, I was just ready to own a business already. It was like 20 years was long enough, I am ready to start running the show. That was always my mentality. I don't think there is anything that I cannot do as long as I want it bad enough. Period. I transferred to Baruch College for my final year of college. I got my personal training certification and started a make-believe CNG Fitness company/business card. It was great. I had no overhead because I trained students out of the Baruch Gym, and I printed out a sign with cut offs and hung them in the hallways. I had business cards and an email address and that was all I needed. I had enough clients to fill my schedule between classes, after class, and on the weekends. I was making just enough money to afford the living expense of a college student in New York City. What I didn't realize going into that business was that I was going to get more satisfaction out of helping people lose weight than the money that was going into my pocket. I realized that I loved to help people! I watched one of my clients lose 70 pounds one year and she would come in every day with a new compliment to herself. She said she was getting hit on coming out of the subway and that has never happened to her before. I watched her transform into a glowing happy human being and that to me, was the ultimate feeling to have helped her get there.
Training people was great and filled my time, but I missed the burning hole in my heart for gymnastics. That is when Jumptwist was born. I started this company to provide great floor music to the gymnastics community while limiting how many times each song can be sold to solve the problem of repetition of music at competitions. This was the start of a journey that is now 8 years in! I may have received a Bachelors in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, but starting and scaling this company has provided me with more business knowledge than any college could have given me. I started a business before I graduated and the timing was just perfect. There were many highs and lows of running this business, but it is always important to stop and look what you've accomplished. I went from people not wanting to accept a free demo CD from me at conventions to hearing people talk about my business saying they only use Jumptwist Music. So the journey has been incredible and I am so grateful for the opportunities that God keeps presenting to me.
So you guys learned about my childhood, gymnastics, and my business experience, but there is so much more to tell in between all of that. I've traveled to 20 countries and almost all 50 states in America. I plan on elaborating on all of these trips in my blog so check that out. I've fallen in love so many times until I was incapable of love. You can be great at some things in your life, but there will always be places in your life that need improvement. For me, it is the romance department. You will have to follow my blog to hear the lessons learned in love and life.
Most recently, my focus has been on competing on American Ninja Warrior. I started this wild journey in 2016 and I don't have any plans on retiring from this ridiculous obstacle challenge TV show. It is perfect for me. Everyone in the ninja warrior community is like me: we believe in ourselves enough to do something crazy looking. The type of strength and courage that is required to become an American Ninja Warrior is rare and to be in a room full of these type of people is life-changing. The energy is explosive! Not only are all of the ninjas athletically amazing, but who they are is even better. We each bring a unique quality to the table weather it is the best ways to get stronger, how to heal your body faster, and even a community of Ninja Babes. This community should set a standard for the world. So I am training relentlessly until I reach my goals in Ninja Warrior and I just can't wait to reach more people and show them that they are not far from reaching their goals. It is time to make a move in your life.
I am now 30 years old and I live in an RV (Recreational Vehicle). I never imagined my life to be like this, but I could have never thought of such a great life for myself. God always provides something better than we imagine for ourselves. I have two little yorkies that I thought I rescued, only to realize that they rescued me. I am recently engaged to the absolute love of my life Jared Gordon. I am traveling for ninja warrior training/competing, choreography appointments, summer camps, and visiting family. I am opening a Ninja Warrior Gym in Boca Raton Florida and it is a crazy wild experience that I a so excited to blog about! Every day is a new opportunity and I never know what tomorrow will bring. I like it that way. I have some pretty large goals in mind but I have learned that I can't work on reaching all of my goals at the same time. This past year I met my mentor! The mentor I have been waiting for my entire life. I have had the opportunity to learn from my mentor which is making me a better business woman. There are some exciting things up ahead!
Let's Talk :)